Game Mastering - Interim 2022

Course Information

  • Instructor: Dr. Aaron Garrett (
  • Class Meeting (Olin 201): MTWRF 2:30p-4:55p
  • Office Hours (Olin 204E): by appointment


The release of Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition brought with it a resurgence of interest in tabletop roleplaying. For fans of the genre, having lots of new players is amazing, but every new player group needs a Dungeon Master (or Game Master). In this course, we will focus specifically on the skills needed to run a game successfully. These include the role(s) of the Game Master, rules adjudication, encounter design, game balance, and table presence. By the end of the course, each student will create and run a complete original adventure for their group.


The objectives of the course are as follows:

  1. Introduce tabletop roleplaying games.
  2. Practice reading and interpreting complex and interconnected rules.
  3. Practice managing interpersonal conflict between players during a game session.
  4. Gain proficiency in organizing and planning a game session.
  5. Understand the relationship between various game mechanics that lead to equitable rules.
  6. Practice improvisational storytelling and real-time, rapid decision making.


Your grade for the course will be Honors/Pass/Unsatisfactory.

You will be allowed at most one unexcused absence during the interim.

Students will periodically run a game session or an encounter, and the other students in the group will play as player characters. Final grades will be based on the participation of each student as both a player and a game master, and, most importantly, on the final created module.



You are expected to attend class meetings and come to class prepared. Refer to the General Policy Regarding Attendance in the Wofford College Student Handbook. The policy makes you responsible for catching up on missed classes. If you must be absent for class, please email me in advance to let me know.

A student is allowed at most one unexcused absence during the term.

Assignment Deadlines

Late assignments will not be accepted for any reason. All assignments are expected to be submitted by the posted deadline.

Academic Integrity

The Honor Code requires faculty, staff, and students to maintain a high standard of individual honor and integrity. While I may specify some assignments as collaborative, work represented as your own must be your own. If you have any doubt about what is appropriate for a given assignment, you should contact me for clarification.


If you have a disability that requires assistance or accommodation, or if you have questions related to any accommodations for testing, note takers, readers, etc., please contact Dean Beth Wallace by telephone at (864) 597-4371 or in person by visiting the Hugh R. Black Infirmary. You must arrange accommodations during the first week of classes.

Tentative Schedule

Meeting Game Assignment
10 Jan Observation
11 Jan Observation
12 Jan Observation
13 Jan Observation
14 Jan Observation
18 Jan Encounters, Balance
19 Jan Basics, GM Role
20 Jan Encounter
21 Jan Encounter
24 Jan Adventure Creation
25 Jan Campaign/World Creation
26 Jan World Creation
27 Jan
28 Jan Adventure
31 Jan Adventure
01 Feb Adventure
02 Feb Adventure
03 Feb Adventure

Note: This syllabus is subject to change with notice.